This is the sign my mom made for my SIL's wedding shower. I thought she did an amazing job and I really want to learn how to use her embroidery machine. My SIL is planning to use it for the card box at the wedding too.
W loves playing with my mom's tupperware. He seems to especially love the lids as he takes out the ones he can see through and presses his face to them. He's so funny to watch!
W passed out in his car seat one night. Typically he wakes up as soon as the car stops, but we we carried him and brought him downstairs and he still didn't wake up. It took a few licks from the dog before he was awake (it was right before bedtime otherwise I would have let him sleep).
Sorry for the picture, but it was too cute not to post! I went in to the kitchen to do something and when I came back, W had his diaper off! It must have been bothering him :)
W loves this touchy-book app we have on our iPhone. My mom and I have downloaded a few each and it's the only time during the day he will sit still. We have started doing this right before bed to help him relax and unwind and he gets to hear stories! We've tried reading to him from regular books but he would much rather eat the books!